Supporting Office of Economic & Manpower Analysis (OEMA) in West Point


WEST POINT, NY / Providing Project Manager (PM) support, data analytic services, video production/ graphic design services, and development of project-specific websites to complete the OEMA contract. The services are in support of OEMA research, studies, and policy analysis presentations to the Army and DoD, as well as other governmental organizations and academia.

One significant risk was identified early in the COVID pandemic. During option year 3 the CPM identified a measurable reduction in requirements. Our delivery personnel were being tasked at a lower rate than they had in previous years. The CPM notified the COR, gathered the client stakeholders, and suggested an edit to the contract requirements. Working with the COR and KO SRS provided a new recommended staffing to lower the overall cost, while maintaining the required level of service. This modification allowed the client to benefit from a significant reduction in overall cost.


  • A suggested edit in contract requirements lowered overall cost while maintaining the required level of service.


  • Multimedia Design & Development
  • Project Management
  • Analytic Services