SRS Lands 5-year Contract for Environmental Remediation Services at Fort Irwin, CA

VENTURA, CA / The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District has awarded a 5-year contract totaling $4.8 million to SRS for environmental remediation services at nine sites at the National Training Center Fort Irwin, CA.
SRS will provide three preliminary assessments/site inspections (PA/SI), two munitions response site (MRS) removal actions within an active range complex, and multi-year post-closure monitoring and maintenance for two closed landfills.
SRS will also conduct remedial investigation, site characterization, determination of nature and extent of contamination, evaluation and documentation of remedial alternatives, interim removal action, and incidental construction associated with the environmental remediation activities.
The project will be led by Craig Scott from SRS’ office in Ventura, CA with additional support from our sister company, OTIE, and our teaming partner, TetraTech.