LG2 Successfully Contributes to Complex Project
Port Everglades Reef Enhancement
JACKSONVILLE, FL / Port Everglades has been the focus of an economic and environmentally sensitive project for the US Army Corps of Engineers for nearly three decades. The goal is to deepen and widen the harbor to remain a competitive seaport while also responding successfully to mitigation and minimization of environmental impacts of the project.
Within this complex project, LG2 has supported environmental assessments, and provided data management, analysis, and reporting. LG2, along with CSA (Continental Shelf Associates) and Pinnacle Ecological, conducted rapid visual assessment surveys at reef enhancements sites and used that information to guide the mapping and characterization field work. Potential mitigation sites were mapped and their current condition documented. Potential hardbottom/coral reef sites were also assessed for restoration or enhancement as compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts from the Port Everglades Deepening Project. Within the project, the data helped define boundaries of discrete assessment areas and determined the most suitable aquatic community type(s) to be used as framework for each assessment area.
LG2 is an Organizational Member of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) and adheres to diving safety standards. Join our innovative teams. For more information visit https://oescgroup.com/ to find career opportunities and our line of services for partnerships.
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We deliver customer-focused services worldwide and are a tribally-owned family of small businesses and SBA 8(a) companies, eligible for direct awards, owned by ONEIDA NATION.
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