Environmental Assessment Supports Decision-Making
MONTGOMERY, AL / LG2 Environmental Solutions prepared National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation to support decision-making for the Maxwell Air Force Base (MAFB) Air University (AU) Vision 2030 Plan. The plan involves relocating, consolidating, and modernizing the AU campus. LG2 prepared a Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA) for an Environmental Assessment, including consultation documents for historic buildings, cultural resources, wetlands, and threatened and endangered species.
LG2 conducted surveys of wetlands; rare, threatened, endangered (RTE) and protected species; and historic buildings. Ten jurisdictional wetlands were identified within the project area at MAFB, all connected to the Alabama River. LG2 determined that the project would not demolish National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligible resources, but that there were possible adverse effects to historic building viewsheds, warranting continuing consultation pending completion of the final design.
- The work resulted in a completion of Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project
- Project would not demolish NRHPs-eligible resources
- Surveys
- NEPA Documentation
- Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA) for Environmental Assessment