New WWTP for Misawa North
MILWAUKEE, WI / OTIE (Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises), as part of the OTIE-Merrick JV, delivered a full multi-discipline design to convert an underutilized wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to a lift station and install 4,200 meters of new force main to convey wastewater across the airfield to the main WWTP on the other side of the base.
Modifications provided for reconfiguration, decommissioning, and conversion of North WWTP system to newly designed lift station wells, new hoist beam and trolly, and personnel and equipment access. The structural design also accounted for seismic load bracing design criteria. The design included ventilation paths and fans to maintain interior temperatures and air quality, and to manage generator exhaust. Equipment included sustainable energy efficiency systems of DoD standards.
This project was the culmination of an OTIE study of the Misawa AB wastewater system that consolidated treatment, providing O&M and energy cost savings.
- Equipment included energy efficient systems with an emphasis on Japanese-manufactured equipment to maximize ease of maintenance.
- The submitted design package met the original design schedule.
- The force main was installed using trenchless jack and bore technology where it crossed Misawa Airport and military taxiways, which needed to remain operational throughout the project. Piping under the taxiways was designed to withstand forces of crossing aircraft.
- Civil and Wastewater Process Design
- Structural and Seismic Engineering Design
- M-E-P Engineering Design
Challenges and solutions.
During the design process, the Government of Japan limited COVID transmissibility by limiting gatherings and restricting international and domestic travel. The design team circumvented these constraints by holding virtual meetings and design reviews. Throughout this time, the North WWTP was to remain operational throughout the project, and decommissioning would occur only when the new lift station and force mains are fully tested and functioning.